Up-to-date people usually take a picture, well thousands of pictures I mean, of themselves and as usual they immediately upload them to Social Networks accounts... This action is growing rapidly, but have you ever though about the negatives facts that it brings to our daily lives?
According to some studies, this action is the most annoying habit users because people do not realize how horrible is this behavior if they do not do it moderately, at the same time it could alienating family and friends.
Instagram is the number one and the principal selfie Social Networking site.
Selfie is a kind of narcissism. First of all, just with the simple fact to have a Social Account is a narcissistic performance to do, but for users it is not enough and due to the lack of self esteem they will post a big quantity of pictures in many places with different behaviors and faces.
There is a study reveled from three business schools in Europe which says that people who upload many photos on these virtual platforms will have a shallow relationships with other individuals at the same time intimacy is going to decrease.
Individuals want to share photos in order to have as many likes as possible and receive a good feedback from others then, it becomes an addiction and people principally young people waste time doing this and avoiding daily duties; this new obsession's generation has brought certain kind of actions or behaviors which the users to take a pic in every place they are, let say on the bed, in the mirror of the bathroom, in the beach, in the gym, when they are studying, with duck faces, but the worse part is that sometime those individuals do not realize how they are doing this action and they can come in a moment where upload photos with guns, alcohol, when they are smoking, in some incorrect places and for those reasons they will have a bad reputation and it is going to affect them at the moment to apply for a job or another important and professional situation; unfortunately, "selfie time" has been absorbing whole peoples's life until the moment that they are so focus on their electronic devices and do not pay attention to the family, friends and beautiful situations that are surrounding us... I am not saying that selfie is the worse action ever because you are able to share amazing memories, but if we do not have a balance it could show about us a bad background...
We invite you to try new and interesting things to your valued time, selfie at the end could bring mental health problems specially in the self confidence and negative attitude toward themselves, it might happen when they do not receive all the likes they expect it finishes feeling dissatisfied with themselves or their body.
Principal apps to upload photos... |
...karol Alemán...