Friday, July 10, 2015

Tips for job searchers on the social media

Hello readers today I am going to share with you some information about companies that are hiring employees trough social media, yes you read it well social media.
Maybe you are thinking but why? It does not seem to be serious, but believe it or not it is.
Nowadays companies worldwide prefer to look for future candidates trough social media because it helps to save time and to get to know the candidates better before the job interview. 
Maybe you think that you are an expert job searcher, and you have studied all the ways to have a very good CV and you have prepared yourself for a job interview but you might not be as familiar with the newest member of the job search family: social media. Yes almost everybody knows how to use social media in their personal lives but it actually has a lot of power to make you job search.
Here are two impportant facts to take into account for job searchers on social media.

Some studies have shown that the 92% of the companies are using social media for hiring.

And three out of four hiring managers will check out a candidate’s social profiles.

So, here we will give you some tips in order to avoid pitfalls and you will have all the knowledge necessary to be a good candidate for companies taking advantage of social media.

1. Get Everything Clean. 

I hope you have knowledge about this one, but I have to mention it because it is very important, this is not just to delete or avoid profanity and politic party publications, it also means articles that are politically divisive or could be considered offensive posts that are super random, long rants on a certain topic, etc.
2. Do Not Have an Account on Everything.
Being active on social media does not mean opening an account on every platform possible, please do not do it, it is better to have just one up-to-date account than have a lot without being feeded for a long time.
3. Use Your Real Name.
Even though a lot of people know you as your nick name please be professional and use your real name, companies wont be interested on "the swag princess" or "the rude guy".

4. Keep Your Image Professional and Consistent.
You should have a friendly, clear and appropriately professional photo for all your platforms, companies wont be interested on "the party guy".

5. Get Your Personal Branding Down.
In addition to a real name and an appropriately professional photo you should have a consistent brand across your social platforms.You want people to know who you are, what you do, and where you’re going.
6. Just Do Not Connect With the Hiring Manager.
At least not until a decision has been made.  And if you don’t get the job? Then it’s okay to connect with the interviewer (sending a nice, professional note, of course!)—you know, in case something comes up.
7.Look Like You Have Been Using It.
There is nothing worse than the hiring manager finds out that you have been without feeding your twitter for a long time and just because you expect them to check your profile, you feed it after 3 years. It looks unprofessional, it is better not to share this platform's link in your resume.
8. Be a Thought Leader.
While Linked In is a great place to show off your professional experience, Twitter is a great place to establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. So, focus less on your personal accomplishments and more on sharing great articles about your field, commenting on news in your industry, and having a conversation with other major players.
9. Follow Job Search Experts.
Following job search experts is the obvious way to use Twitter for your job search and it is a good idea because it will keep your wall constantly updated with new advice and inspiration to help you to find that job of your dreams.
10. Follow Company Jobs Accounts.
On the other hand, following companies jobs accounts will  keep your wall constantly up-to-date with the available positions in the company.

11.Get Creative
Pinterest, Vine, or Instagram might not be the first platforms that come to your mind as helpful for the job search, but don’t discount their potential impact. You can take advantage of them and show off a little bit about your eye for design, photography and so on.

*And remember do not try to be someone else, be yourself all the time and be as honest as you can, hope you have learn something new from this tips that will help you to get a company interested on you.